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Postdoc opening


A funded postdoctoral fellow position is available in our lab. We study how intercellular communication

is required to build, maintain and repair adult tissues. The main focus of the lab is on primary cilia, small cellular antennae that sense and respond to multiple environmental stimuli, and how ciliary signaling controls the fate and function of adult stem cells. Asking which stem cell populations carry a cilium, we discovered that cilia are restricted to a specific stem cell population in adults called fibro/adipogenic progenitors (FAPs; also called mesenchymal stem cells), which are found in most adult tissues such as skeletal muscle, white adipose tissue and the heart. Our results demonstrate that cilia sense multiple signals that control the fate and function of these FAPs (Kopinke et al., 2017, Cell; Hilgendorf et al., 2019, Cell; Norris et al., 2023 bioRxiv). We have created novel conditional mouse models and approaches, in vitro and in vivo, including the use of various regeneration and disease models that will allow us to further dissect the function of cilia and ciliary signaling during adult tissue repair. Thus, numerous exciting and novel projects are available that will help the launch of promising careers in biomedical research.

Strong candidates will have obtained a Ph.D. degree in biological science in the last three years, will have a solid scientific background and a strong publication record relevant to the projects, and will be eager to contribute productively to pioneering research in stem cell biology and molecular genetics. They will also demonstrate outstanding communication skills and first-rate interpersonal and organizational skills.

The University of Florida and the affiliated Myology Institute offer an exceptionally interactive and front-line scientific environment with state-of-the-art research core facilities and with multiple career-development programs for trainees. The fellow will join a vibrant and collegial environment and, therefore, recognizes the power of a diverse community with individuals with varied experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds.

Candidates should send their curriculum vitae, a brief description of research interests and career goals, and contact information for three or more Faculty-level references to Dr. Daniel Kopinke (dkopinke at



©2019 by Kopinke lab

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